Australian Graphic Designers Association AGM Invitation
The ultimate retort to the ubiquitous 'non-invitation'. AGDA (Australian Graphic Designers Association) Queensland held its Annual General Meeting; an event where council is elected and plans for the following year are put in place. All members are invited, however traditionally, few turned up. After some discussion it was concluded that members didn't feel they were needed at the event, or that they would have a reason to contribute.
Our answer was to send all members a printed, actual, real invitation. "You're invited. Really" struck a chord with members, and the AGM was the largest in AGDA Queensland's history. New councillors were brought on board, with a huge intake of new members volunteering to contribute to our peak industry body. The invitation was printed on Creative Emporium's lovely old letterpress machine, using silver ink and black stock supplied by KW Doggett.
Disciplines: Conceptualisation, copywriting, custom typography, finished art.